Recently, I was participating in an online malicious file detection project, and we used the Cuckoo sandbox as part of it. During the installation of Cuckoo sandbox, I found the process is very tedious and unfriendly for automatic deployment of engineering projects. Also, by searching the Internet, I didn’t find any useful references can quickly improve the deployment steps. After some practice, I have summarized a relatively simple method that can deploy a Cuckoo sandbox in 12 steps. Today, I decided to make it public.
Preparatory works
Before installing Cuckoo, we need to prepare a Cuckoo Agent, which is a Windows virtual machine based on VitualBox. Of course, you needn’t remake it, just use this ova file I have prepared:Agent.ova
It is noteworthy that I completed the installation on version of Ubuntu 18.04.5 Desktop, the Cuckoo sandbox is the version of 2.0.7. If everything goes well, the following method should also support version of Ubuntu Server.
Start installation
step 1: Install system updates and update system dependencies after installing Ubuntu
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
step 2: Install basic system dependencies by Cuckoo required (if iptables-persistent configuration GUI window pops up, keep the default selection and go on)
sudo sed -i "s/" /etc/resolv.conf
step 7: Start MongoDB service and initialize Cuckoo, pull community signatures
sudo service mongodb start && cuckoo && cuckoo community
step 8: Use VboxManage to create a hostonly ethernet adapter vboxnet0, and modify the default storage directory and permission for virtual machine files